Our Song Of The Week

Mac Miller - Everybody
If you haven't heard this song, you are GREATLY missing out..
The instrumental is so soft, so beautiful and so emotional. You can feel the soul put into each and every part of this song. (the album too, but we'll save that for another week.) The piano, the soulful singing and just everything else about this song. It is easily one of the most beautiful songs I have EVER heard :,)
Album Of The Week

Tyler, The Creator - IGOR
This album.. this albummmm mannnnnnn. When it comes to albums, across all genres, I truly don't think this album will ever be topped. You can give me any classical record, any rap record any classic rock record and I will put IGOR over it. This album leaves me speechless to this DAY. 6,000 streams later and I am STILL in love with this album.
It's so situational in that it can be relatable in so many different scenarios. This album was made from someone whose emotions were at peak rawness and took advantage of it in the BEST way possible. Tyler is a genius we all knowww, but I think this album was the one that really solidifed it.